State Preservation Resources

  • New Jersey Historic Preservation Office: Under the National Historic Preservation Act, a state's historic preservation responsibilities are given to a State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). In New Jersey, the SHPO is the Commissioner for Environmental Protection. The Historic Preservation Office is located within the NJDEP's Division of Parks and Forestry, and serves as the SHPO's professional staff. The Historic Preservation Office is responsible for processing nominations to both the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Registers and for overseeing review and compliance related to the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Places Act. The Historic Preservation Office administers survey and planning grant monies made available through the National Park Service, is in charge of comprehensive historic preservation planning and manages the Certified Local Government program. Its review of applications for certification of Tax Act rehabilitation projects has helped to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into the state's economy.
  • Main Street New Jersey: Main Street is a comprehensive revitalization program that promotes the historic and economic redevelopment of traditional business districts in New Jersey. The Main Street New Jersey Program was established in 1989 to encourage and support the revitalization of downtowns throughout the state. Every two years the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs accepts applications and designates selected communities to join the program. These communities receive valuable technical support and training to assist in restoring their Main Streets as centers of community and economic activity.
  • New Jersey Historical Commission: The NJHC is a state agency within the Department of State that advances public knowledge of the history of New Jersey. The Commission organizes conferences, exhibitions, and workshops, publishes books, articles and newsletters, produces media projects on New Jersey history, and awards grants for research on New Jersey history. Commission members are appointed by the Governor. 
  • New Jersey Historic Trust: was created in 1967 as a non-profit historic preservation organization created by State law. Trustees are appointed by the Governor. The Trust provides support and protection of historic New Jersey resources through several programs. The recently passed Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund guarantees historic preservation grants for a period of ten years, or until the year 2010. These grants fund capital preservation projects (construction, or "bricks and mortar" projects), similar to the previous Historic Preservation Bond Program. This grant also funds site management projects which includes operating costs and feasibility studies. The NJ Historic Trust Fund offers a revolving loan fund that requires matching funds and an easement program that ensures the permanent protection of private properties through deed restrictions.
  • Preservation New Jersey: Incorporated in 1980, Preservation New Jersey is the only nonprofit statewide organization coordinating preservation efforts and assisting with individual and municipal preservation needs. By means of a newsletter, technical assistance, workshops, seminars and publications, Preservation New Jersey helped to created, and continue to serve an important constituency across the state.