Message from the Town's Road Committee Regarding Weed Killers

None of us like weeds in our gardens or sidewalks. We want our concrete or paver sidewalks to remain weed free, as well as any plants or flowers to thrive! Unfortunately, in addition to looking unsightly, weeds will choke out the plants or flowers that you actually want there, stealing nutrients, water and sun. While commercial weed killers do work, they can have a tendency to work their way into drinking water sources, such as underground aquifers or rivers as they get washed away into underground storm water systems. As an alternative to toxic weed killers, using natural, homemade versions just makes good sense. After all, both people and pets can be exposed to chemicals you spray in your lawns, gardens and sidewalks. With the above in mind, the Town’s Road Committee, which is the entity that oversees the entire underground storm water infrastructure in Town, is reaching out to all residents and businesses encouraging the use of natural and environmentally safe alternatives to commercial weed killer. This is a simple and inexpensive way to kill weeds while ensuring that the toxic chemicals do not end up in our storm water system, and then ultimately the waterways. A recipe for homemade weed killer, which can be made with three basic ingredients that many people already have in their homes and businesses, is as follows:
  • 1 Gallon White Vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Liquid Dish Soap
  • 1 Cup Salt

DIY Weed Killer

Please note that using vinegar and dish soap is great basic weed killer on its own, but when you add salt you can affect the makeup of the soil and make it difficult to grow things there in the future. So if you are killing weeds where you want nothing to grow, you should add the salt. However, if you are planning on planting something do not add salt. This homemade weed spray is best used in full sun on a warm day, and is most effective on young weeds. As you can see, there are inexpensive alternatives to the toxic weed killers that are out there. We encourage all property owners to consider using this alternative method in order to protect people, animals and our watersheds. The Town of Clinton Road Committee Councilwoman Sherry Dineen Councilwoman Rielly Karsh Councilwoman Lisa Intrabartola