Municipal Parks and Ball Field Reminders


Now that Spring has arrived, more people are beginning to utilize the Town's municipal ball fields, playground, tennis/pickleball court and basketball court.  In order to make your visit to these facilities as enjoyable as possible, we wanted to take the time to remind you about some basic rules.

  • Be considerate to others by keeping your dog leashed and cleaning up after your pet.
  • Retrieve/Remove all balls (soccer ball, footballs, baseballs, softballs), and sporting equipment from the fields after use. 
  • While golfing can be enjoyable, our ball fields (especially at Hunts Mill Park) are not designed for this. Divots left by swinging golf clubs creates an uneven surface in the fields and can cause a hazard for visitors and/or maintenance crews.  Abandoned golf balls are a serious danger when they go unseen and are driven over by a lawn mowers as they cause damage to equipment and property, and also injure maintenance staff and visitors to the parks.
  • Metal detecting can be a fun pastime, but digging into the municipal ball fields is prohibited.  This causes divots and creates uneven surface making it difficult to enjoy and/or maintain the fields.
  • Use all trash/recycling cans located at each site and do not leave waste on the ground.

The Town of Clinton asks that all visitors to our municipal facilities please adhere to these basic rules in order to ensure that they are safe and clean for all to use.