When Did You Fall In Love With Clinton?

Tell us your story and celebrate our new brand!


Fall in Love with Clinton Logo

What is your story?  We all have that moment when Clinton became special to us.  The Clinton Economic Development Committee is asking everyone to share with us your story of when your realized that you fell in love with the Town of Clinton.  Was it a special event?  Or a heart-warming gesture from a neighbor?  A memorable experience in one of our shops? A rewarding volunteer experience? A fun activity with your family?  Was it your first trip into town? Or was it something else?  We want to hear it all!

And you don’t have to be the best writer either, as the EDC has several volunteers who are also professional copywriters who can take your submission and help you bring it to life.

Along with our new series of playful logos, these stories will be part of our town branding strategy and will be shared throughout the region.  Don’t worry, we won’t include names or personal information if you don’t want us to.  But we can’t wait to share all of these “I Love This Town” moments with the world and let everyone know why Clinton is a special place.

Please email us your story at loveclinton@clintonnj.gov