Galvanized Water Service Line Survey

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In accordance with New Jersey P.L. 2021, Chapter 183, signed into law July 2021, all public water systems are required to fully inventory their customer service lines and develop a replacement program to remove all identified lead or galvanized service lines in the system. In addition to preparing a comprehensive inventory of service line materials, the Clinton Water Department (CWD) is required to notify customers, non-paying consumers, and any off-site owner of a property (e.g., landlord) when it is known they are served by a lead or galvanized service line

You will need to have your Town of Clinton Water Account Number when completing this survey.  If you do not have it, please click "Pay/View Your Utility Account" on the left side of this screen to look it up.

When completing the form, items with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

Do not use the forward or back button on your web browser while completing this form as there is a risk of losing your data.  Only use the "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons on the bottom of each page of the form to navigate while entering data.